Creative Playtime: An Interview With Vivian Chan
Words by VIVIAN CHAN / photographs made in collaboration with: THE LOVED CO (florals & styling) & VIVIAN CHAN (fashion & styling): a celebration of Asian-American women & the stories that bind us together
First off, tell us a little bit about yourself– who you are, your background, and what you do now.
Hi! My name is Vivian Chan and I am the Founder and Creative Director of the womenswear brand, VIVIANCHAN. I am a first generation Chinese American, born in Taichung, Taiwan. My mom is from Taiwan and my dad is from Hong Kong. My family and I immigrated to Los Angeles when I was 6 years old.
My journey with fashion started when I was very young. When my parents and I still lived in Taiwan, my mother owned a clothing boutique and home was right upstairs. My fondest memories were always spent in the shop with my mom - watching her merchandise and style looks, and helping her assist customers in picking pieces. My passion for fashion and style continued all throughout my life, mainly expressed through shopping and making outfits. It wasn’t until I took my first sewing class in college did that passion for shopping transform to a passion for creating. The moment I learned how to sew, it opened up my creative mind to seeing and experiencing clothes in a whole new way. In 2009, I studied abroad in Paris and London - where I discovered my creative voice and design identity; Timeless and attentive to detail garments that celebrate your femininity and empower you to be the best version of yourself.
“I have vivid memories of how tirelessly my parents and grandparents worked and the continual sacrifices they made to create and provide a better future for this family. Their commitment, diligence, and dedication were unwavering.”
What is the message behind your brand?
My purpose with the brand is to create garments that can allow a woman to celebrate her beauty as well as embrace her femininity. Each design is developed with attention to detail to complement your style and taste, encouraging you to feel comfortable in your own skin. This brand is a piece of my heart – and every design to me represents a prayer that I have for women.
Tell me about a pivotal moment in your career –
A few memorable moments that come to mind–
Picking up the production to our first collection! It was an unreal moment to see my designs come to life.
Our first pop-up event where we had the chance to meet customers in person and see them experience the clothes in real life.
First celebrity in VC: Rachel McAdams in our signature Rosie set!
Dressing the producer of Boyhood movie for all the award shows that season and seeing them take the win for multiple categories.
Being a part of the Sony picture film, Miss Bala. Had the opportunity to play a part in the movie, feature our collection, and dress a few models/actresses in a fashion show scene.
“Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, because you will – and many of them. Embrace your failures and let it strengthen and evolve you.”
Who were the influential people & mentors that have helped shaped your journey along the way?
My mom & dad. They have shown unconditional love, support, and guidance since day 0. They continually teach, encourage, and remind me to be intentional in all that I do – to live and speak from the heart.
What inspires you? What do you do when you’re in a creative block?
I am inspired by new experiences & surroundings, the mistakes I make, and the people around me. In times of creative block, I force myself to step away and surround myself with the people I love.
What would be your advice now, to a younger Vivian starting out in this industry, about running a business and finding your voice?
Take your time and enjoy the process. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, because you will- and many of them. Embrace your failures and let it strengthen and evolve you. Celebrate your victories and acknowledge even the smallest of wins.
This most recent collaboration with The Loved Co, is a celebration of Asian-American women and the stories that bind us together. How has your experience as a Taiwanese-American influenced your perspective in the design & fashion space?
Where I come from and who I am play such a big part in why I do what I do. I am very proud to be an Asian American woman. Being born in Taiwan and going through the process of immigration to a new country was both eye opening and life changing. I was still so young at the time to fully grasp the situation - but I have vivid memories of how tirelessly my parents and grandparents worked and the continual sacrifices they made to create and provide a better future for this family. Their commitment, diligence, and dedication were unwavering. I hope to continue to carry this voice and attitude in not only the design/fashion space, but in everything that I do and the generations ahead.
You’ve just released a new collection, Wo(ma)n– inspired by mothers, designed for every woman– I love how deeply personal it is and born out of your own experience. Tell me a little bit more about this collection and the heart behind it.
This is such a personal and special collection to me. When I look back at my journey with this brand since the day we launched in 2013 until now, I see growth and change. This brand has become a reflection of my personal story and discovery. I’ve always seen pregnancy as the most intimate design I’ll ever create- so embarking on this new journey of womanhood into becoming a mother has truly been transformative. It has inspired and challenged my creativity in ways I’ve never experienced before. My body is changing every moment in ways I never thought possible, as if I am meeting it for the first time.
This collection is dedicated to celebrating a woman’s ever-changing body. Whether the change is through pregnancy or not, these designs are created to travel with us through all the different seasons of womanhood. May every wo(ma)n who wears this collection feel empowered, celebrated, and their most authentic self.
“I’ve always seen pregnancy as the most intimate design I’ll ever create- so embarking on this new journey of womanhood into becoming a mother has truly been transformative. ”
What are you most looking forward to in this next season of motherhood?
Creating with my son! Being able to engage and connect with women in a whole new, and more intimate way.
Make it beautiful,
Be beautiful
And shine
So people around us
See something so divine
Through us and our work.
Quality of work
That make people immediately
Wonder more about us and Him.
Be divine.
Let Him Shine through
Us and our work.
Music or artists you love to listen to while working:
Rhye, Kaytranada, Madeleine Peyroux
Favorite home-cooked meal:
My mom’s minced pork with dried noodles or rice
Favorite new baby purchase so far:
Cradlewise smart crib
Your perfect morning routine?
Sleeping in and having the time to make and enjoy a hearty breakfast and smoothie :)
Check out more of her work at: @vivianchan_official